We all know the scientific benefits of setting objectives. (If not - I’ve written before about the profound benefits of setting objectives here.) And most of us have come a long way in using goal setting in our personal or professional lives to significantly improve our productivity and performance. Yet how often do I hear from my clients that their goal has failed or their New Year’s Resolution isn’t going to plan? The reason why our goals and resolutions almost always fail isn’t because we lack commitment or motivation. Quite the opposite! We’re often super [...]
We all know the scientific benefits of setting objectives. (If not - I’ve written before about the profound benefits of setting objectives here.) And most of us have come a long way in using goal setting in our personal or professional lives to significantly improve our productivity and performance. Yet how often do I hear from my clients that their goal has failed or their New Year’s Resolution isn’t going to plan? The reason why our goals and resolutions almost always fail isn’t because we lack commitment or motivation. Quite the opposite! We’re often super [...]
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