New York isn’t the only city that never sleeps! In the US 70 million people are reported to have some kind of sleeping disorder, including insomnia, sleep apnoea and sleep deprivation (American Sleep Association, 2019), Bad sleep affects a startling 1 in 3 people in the US (ASA, 2019). In the UK, 74% of the population sleep less than 7 hours per night, while again, roughly 1 in 3 people suffer a sleep disorder (Sleep Council, 2017). Things don’t look much brighter in the rest of the world: globally over 60% of adults suffer from insomnia or other sleeping issues (Harris Poll, [...]
Sleep is of the brain, by the brain and for the brain! Consider last month. How many times did you work through the night to deliver a project on time or please your boss with that important presentation? But how many times did you reboot your computer or phone to make it work more effectively? If you’re willing to be gentle with your electronic devices, why aren’t you doing the same for your brain?! For a decade I worked in an investment bank, where the culture of sleeping deprivation is tolerated – when not encouraged – as in many other kinds of global businesses [...]
Sleep is the most under rated basic need in modern society. We need sleep as we need food and water, but somehow we think we can manage to have a healthy life on only 5 hours sleep a night. Sleep deprivation is as harmful as malnutrition, but its consequences are slow, subtle and devious, and before we realise it, we are putting our lives in mortal danger. Don’t let your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) mess up your sleep cycles! I’d like to share what the clever scientists tell us about the mortal risks of insufficient sleep.1. Increased Cancer Risk BOOM. Chronic sleeping disorders are [...]