American comedian, actress, writer and producer Ellen DeGeneres shifted her mindset to inspire her whole community. In 1997 the actress, star of the sitcom Ellen, decided to openly announce her homosexuality. The coming out was double: both Ellens – the real one and the fictional character came out on the same day and within one year the show was cancelled. Even in showbiz, being gay in the 90s wasn’t sugar and candies, and Ellen had no intention to put herself in such a challenging situation. So, what changed her mindset?A meditation retreat in California. During the retreat, her [...]
Tired of dealing with negative people in your office? Dreaming of how wonderful would it be if your boss and colleagues were always supportive, positive and energised? Well maybe it's time to stop complaining and instead use my 10 ways for YOU to be that amazing colleague and boss you are wanting to manifest! Of course, I understand work can be challenging and stressful, I see that every day with my clients! But once you learn how to keep a positive attitude, the benefits will be truly unfathomable! Maintaining a positive mindset at work will benefit your career, general well-being and may [...]
Success starts in your mind. How many times just changing your attitude towards your results has led you to a great accomplishment? The human mind is such a powerful tool that can transform everything. Why can’t the same mind that has conceived trains, airplanes and space shuttles, conceive ideas to take you on the most beautiful journey you could ever imagine? Nowadays we are so concentrated on the outside, that we forget to look inside. We always expect external events to make and keep us happy, successful, strong. But the real power is right there inside you: your brilliant, beautiful[...]
You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength – Marcus Aurelius To keep us clear of the threat of sabre tooth tigers and the like, our ‘old brain’ – the limbic system - is far more sensitised to negative, threat-related information than positive. So firstly, we need to compensate for our natural negativity bias. And secondly, we can learn to create our own, positive reality, the way we always dream of, by starting NOW, and attracting positive things back into our life. Hence, here are my 5 Perfect Payoffs from a Positive [...]
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