While Millennials are more aware than other generations, their mental health continues to decline. This generation, defined as those aged 24-39 in 2020, is experiencing a health shock fueled by mental health difficulties. These alarming trends are driving new responses to meet the needs of these unique young people and help them cope given the current circumstances. Mental health awareness is not the main problem with this cohort. They have much less stigma regarding mental health and are receiving more education on the topic. Sometimes referred to as the “therapy generation” and [...]
Mental health awareness is a cornerstone for removing the stigma around mental disorders and helping us all work through them better. I’m using a comprehensive A-Z approach to review some of the most common human issues as we embrace our struggles to approach our mental health with acceptance, education and positivity.Panic Attacks are intensive waves of fear that come out unexpectedly and can be both debilitating and immobilizing. You might feel your heart pounding, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness and trembling in your body. They can appear differently in activity, intensity [...]
Mental health awareness is a cornerstone for removing the stigma around mental disorders and helping us all work through them better. I’m using a comprehensive A-Z approach to review some of the most common human issues as we embrace our struggles to approach our mental health with acceptance, education and positivity.Anxiety disorders cause a sense of worry and stress characterized by feelings of nervousness and tension. They are actually the most common mental illness, affecting 31% of all adults in the US at some point in their life and 7% globally. Women are twice as likely to have [...]
There’s no doubt that 2020 has been one of the most disruptive years for global Mental Health in the history of humanity. As individuals, families, teams, and, of course, collectively. Probably not since World War II has our universal mental health been put under so much pressure. When it comes down to it, whether one wants to call it well-being, our happiness, resilience or mental health, ultimately that is the spectrum upon which I work and support people. So, against the back drop of what I believe will be a veritable ticking time bomb of mental health issues facing humanity in Q4 [...]
There is a growing need for all of us to be crystal clear on why mental health matters. As our awareness continues to rise, we can see both for ourselves and as a race it matters more and more in our day to day life. Many of us might think of ‘Mental Health’ as simply covering ‘mental disorders’. That such matters are the preserve of the unwell – the depressed, disordered, even suicidal. Evidence also suggests half of us will suffer from some form of mental illness during our lifetime (Andrews, 2005). And of course the severe impact of Covid is making [...]
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide. This is a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will double to one every 20 seconds (WHO, 2019). In the US, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-34 and the 10th leading cause of death over all (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). When it comes to military forces the data is even more frightening: every day 20 US Veterans die by committing suicide (US Department [...]
Mental health issues have a tremendous impact on people’s lives, families and friends but also have a severe effect on our businesses and organisations. Depression alone affects more than 264 million people world-wide and most of them are still working (World Health Organisation, 2019). As an example, the UK data is quite alarming: 1 in 7 people have experienced mental health problems in the workplace (Lelliot et al., 2008). 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions (ONS, 2014). Full-time employed women are nearly twice as likely to[...]
Mental health issues are more common that we think. As part of our human experience, we’ve all suffered some form of mental distress. And in that, there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Nothing. Mankind has been struggling with mental health issues way before we started being open about it, and nowadays – finally – the stigma is at least a little less. Everybody hurts, and celebrities and well-known personalities of today and yesterday most certainly aren’t immune. Mental issues are various and different, so let’s take a look at the most common ones[...]
MENTAL DISORDERS AFFECT ONE IN FOUR PEOPLE (World Health Organisation, 2019) Each year about one in 25 adults experiences a SERIOUS mental illness that leaves them permanently physically damaged (SAMHSA Survey, 2018). Mood disorders are the most common cause of hospitalisation for all U.S. citizens under age 45 (HCUP – Fast Stats, 2015). Everybody hurts. And yet, the stigma and the shame connected to mental illness still remains significant. While man has landed on the Moon, performed complex key-hole surgery and created robots, when it comes to mental health, [...]