Here’s part 2 of my Best Communication Tools. I love sharing this first one whenever I get the opportunity C. NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION NVC is one of my favourite tools in the universe! I find it useful for reducing the possibilities of exploding a potentially volatile situation (one of my specialities!!), for expressing my needs and generally making better connections with other people. Overreacting during confrontation is extremely common. But why? We have the tendency to take things personally and to express unnecessary judgements. Marshall Rosenberg’s [...]
For love and beauty and delight, there is no death nor change ― Percy Bysshe Shelley When it comes to romance, for many of us disappointment and disillusionment may be our primary feeling. We all have a few failed relationships on our love Resume. So what is better than finding some inspiration in deep, breath-taking real love? No, I am not suggesting you watch the latest tear-jerker movie for inveterate singles. Reality is always better than fiction!Mary and P.B. Shelley: when a desperate romantic love gives life to beautiful things Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, born on 30th August 1797, [...]