For me the issue of supporting Women in business is not about equality or numbers, but is a philosophical question of how we want our world to look: Imbalanced, competitive, unequal or positive, cooperative and resilient? In my opinion, redressing that balance, supporting women, will quite simply make our world a better place. The link sounds tenuous? Here are 5 interesting articles that will give you a better understand of what I’m talking about: Don’t Underestimate the Power of Women Supporting Each Other at Work - Harvard Business Review, 2018 [...]
My mission is to make the world a more enjoyable, happier, balanced place. I believe it’s our human right. Evidence tells us that over the last century humanity has grown significantly healthier and wealthier, yet in general our well-being and mental health have been left behind. And there’s nowhere more relevant to each of us than of course the Workplace. Again, data confirms that worker insecurity is at an all-time high and that 1 in 3 of us are considering leaving our jobs. Just imagine the hundreds of billions of dollars this costs our governments, businesses and people [...]
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