Well, of course you do - who wants to be either underperforming or not enjoying life? However the real question is: how do you perform at your best and stay happy?
But the information out there is pretty overwhelming, isn’t it?! The biggest challenge is to figure out where to focus your time in finding the right knowledge, tools and the path to start.
Let’s look at stress and burnout for example, a massive risk for the modern C-levels:
Amazon lists over 90,000 books on stress, 50,000 on depression, 5,000 on burnout and 4,000 on breakdown. How can you know where to focus on first?
The reality is that you will never be able to hit all 90,000 the right way. Even I don’t focus on everything. Why? Because it’s nearly impossible.
Simply put: Executive Coaching is one of the best transformative tools out there. Regardless of the underlying reasons for you being held back in career or life, coaching will giving you the complete clarity to confidently move forward in the right direction. You will learn the best knowledge, use the best practical tools and therefore achieve unparalleled results.
And I’m able to get amazing results like no one else because I’ve figured out the best insights and techniques that actually move the needle, both for professional performance AND personal happiness.
I graduated from Cambridge University, worked at Goldman Sachs for a decade where I ran a highly profitable trading business and then founded a multi-million dollar environmental start-up. I’d been a millionaire in 3 different ways by 35!
But even with all this ‘success’ I completely lacked balance, didn’t feel accomplished, and I certainly wasn’t happy.
So I started researching what are the essential qualities of personal leadership, performance and well-being to transform my health, wealth and happiness.
I discovered the 5 main factors, which, under the right guidance, significantly improve our productivity, performance & profit. And when that starts to happen our balance and happiness radically improve too.
I saw so many of my friends and colleagues trapped with the same problems that I decided to start sharing the secrets, transforming other people and organisations along the way. And now I really want to open the same opportunity for YOU!
I firmly believe that you too can revolutionise and maintain your health, wealth and happiness. You can start performing at your absolute best right now by experiencing Executive Coaching with me entirely risk free.
After many years of successful coaching, I know I enjoy myself most by playing to my strengths. And that is getting the best results from purposeful, motivated leaders. I work with C-suite executives and entrepreneurs in many of the world’s largest and most successful organisations.
I’ve used over 25 years of experience to understand exactly the major barriers to personal effectiveness and success. And I’ve used those experiences to develop the fast track, short-cut, break-through hacks that I share with my clients for outstanding results.
This is the main reason I’ve been able to work with so many household names and big brands, like the ones below.
Here's an example of the Executive Coaching results with one of my FTSE100 C-suite clients who runs a $70mm business
To see what coaching can do for people watch Elliot’s story:
More comments from my clients around the world:
– CEO Goldman Sachs, Singapore
- Partner at Deloitte, London
– Regional Managing Director, Cartier, Singapore
- Martin, Former Trader, now Entrepreneur, Sweden
- Richard, Entrepreneur, London
- Martin, Hedge Fund Manager, London
Let’s be clear, this is your 100% risk free opportunity to experience Executive Coaching with me, coach to many of the world’s leading brands.
You hit “APPLY NOW” and will see a short set of questions. Nothing too crazy, I need the basics about what your challenges are and why you want to work with me. It helps me understand if I can really shift your needle. A Complimentary Consultation slot will be allocated to you when I’m confident I can truly deliver transformation in your life and career.
If your challenges fit my skills and I have a slot remaining this month you will receive a direct link to book our 60-minute risk free call. Easy as that.
If you want to get on the list, make sure your answers are accurate and meaningful, as slots are limited!
Let’s recap what the outcomes you’ll receive from a complimentary consultation session with me:
Complete transparency on your key objectives and how to deliver them
The best ideas from science, wisdom, business and leadership boiled down into bite-size, user friendly chunks
A watertight plan on how to make change happen and the detailed agreed action steps required
Practical tools that will turn your objectives into manageable daily habits
Powerful accountability for your goals to ensure they are bullet proof against failure
Feel energized, inspired and excited to transform your life
Enabling you to securely stabilize and maximize both your career and your happiness
Understand whether you are really motivated enough to ensure Executive Coaching is effective for you in terms of your productivity, performance and profit
Figure out whether I’m the right person to drive and support the personal transformation of your health, wealth and happiness
Ultimately this is for people who take action and know a good opportunity when they see one. If that’s you, today is the day you step up and take your career and well-being to the next level. Click the button below to submit your application.
Hong Kong: HK +852 8191 3619
London: +44 207 097 1524
907, 9F Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR