As Lao Tzu famously claimed: ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’ A great place to start any element of change is by clearly setting objectives. Prioritising our well-being and keeping on top of our stress levels are essential to any goal setting process. Goals and objectives provide a sense of meaning and purpose. They point us in the direction we want to go and keep us on track. It’s a very strong, grounding exercise simply to ask: ‘where do I want to be in one month, one year, ten years? What are the steps I can take to make my dreams [...]
21st century survival will largely be a function of an organisations ability to place the well-being of all stakeholders at the heart of its strategic objectives – Andrew Stead Due to the critical importance of our work in many areas of life, not least for governments, the scientific understanding of how it relates to our happiness is extensive. The economic argument for happiness and workplace well-being in organisations is robust. It's my belief that corporations who are unable to suitably promote the engagement and well-being of their employees will be unable to hire or retain [...]
It’s the most romantic day of the year! That annual opportunity to show our deep adoration, kindness and love for our nearest and dearest. But for many of us Valentines Day has lost its sparkle. Maybe we’re not surrounded by any nearest and dearest. Perhaps it’s a time of difficulty, stress or deep sadness. Or it’s just that we view Valentines as merely another opportunity to pump up consumerism by spending foolish sums of money on dozens of red roses at 3 times the regular price. Even if we’re not sold on the idea we might still use [...]