When it comes to personal productivity, we are exposed to gazillions of theories and opinions. Distinguishing facts from fiction isn’t always a simple task, but this is why I like to make sure all my knowledge and practical tools have a scientific basis…
Multi-tasking has long been considered a cornerstone of productivity, and we constantly use the analogy of juggling to optimise our tasks. But what’s the reality?
Evidence says that media multitasking weakens the working memory and long-term memory. (Uncapher et al., 2016).
Nobody is performing and their best when multi-tasking. Concentrate fully on one project and start a new one only when the previous one is completed. So stop pretending to listen to your chatty colleague while reading this article!
Is working long hours the perfect solution to boost your productivity?
A recent Swedish project proved that productivity increases when the work day is shorter. Life-work balance is fundamental to achieving high performance, so staying late in your office won’t make you more productive, just more stressed and tired.
Do we always have to work hard to achieve great results?
A 2015 US Gallup survey shows how gamification improves work experience for 91% of employees and increases productivity. Jon Shalowitz, CEO of Badgeville, claims "employees, especially across younger generations, become disengaged easily, causing low productivity and retention levels. Research shows that game-based motivation can be a powerful solution for today's top workforce challenges."
So if somebody tells you that work hard, play hard is impossible, they’re wrong!
A thoughtfully structured on-boarding programme is fundamental to increase engagement and retain talent. Evidence suggests that a positive and engaging welcome for new joiners increases retention 69% for at least three years (Willyerd, 2012).
My grandma used to say that sleep is always the best medicine, but is it also the answer to low productivity and performance?
The scientific fact is that resting properly and for the right amount of hours improves our memory and ability to learn (Ellenbogen et al., 2007).
A lack of sleep impacts decision making - creating slower decisions and increasing wrong decisions (Rosekind et al., 2010). In fact, sleep deprivation is proven to have similar effects on cognitive and motor performances as low alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000).
It is also proven than sleep prevents burnout, anxiety and stress. So listen to your – and my - grandma and make sure to get enough sleep!
That being said, everyone is different. My advice is start with the science and then figure out what works best for you and your team.
Hope you have a great week being more productive,
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