• I turn the very best TRANSFORMATIVE KNOWLEDGE from sciencewisdombusiness and leadership - into PRACTICAL TOOLS to achieve meaningful and powerful RESULTS


    I provide practical tools that can easily be understood and practiced regularly. I’ve tried them all out and I can guarantee they really make a difference. And they’re backed up by scientific evidence too. I also care about measurement. So figure out how you are going to measure your progress and see how you get on!

    Make sure to check out now these great starter techniques to bring a bit more happiness into your everyday life.




  • “Just a quick note to let you know that Deloitte’s board approved my promotion to partner this week, in large part due to the resilience that I built up under your tutelage, so thank you.”

    Partner at Deloitte

  • “Andrew really changed my perspective. I caught myself walking down the street smiling and thinking life is damn great, which means a lot to me.”

    Martin, Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager

  • “The session was a great opportunity to think out loud and organize my thoughts. It wasn’t clear to me how to articulate what was going on, but Andrew got me there and I found that to be very helpful. “

    CEO Goldman Sachs, Singapore

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