Speaker, Writer, Coach
I founded Your Daily Bread to help individuals and organizations improve their health, wealth & happiness.
I offer Speeches and Workshops on the 21st century challenges of Stress & Burnout; Motivation, Engagement & Retention; Productivity & Performance; Well-being, Resilience & Leadership.
Drawing from east and west, ancient and modern, I take the best from science, wisdom, business and leadership to entertain audiences with my unparalleled mix of commercial and cultural experience, Well-being and Resilience expertise, and personal and inspirational stories.
I share the Knowledge, Tools and Results that truly work.
My Interventions are fun, entertaining and thought provoking, leaving clients reinvigorated and transformed.
Investment Banking Director, Hong Kong
Regional Managing Director, Cartier
Richard, Entrepreneur
Hong Kong: HK +852 8191 3619
London: +44 207 097 1524
907, 9F Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR