I'm an internationally renowned Speaker, Writer and Coach who works with some of the largest and most important Leaders and Organisations in the World.
I studied at Cambridge University before spending a decade at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo, New York and London. I then set up a multi-million dollar environmental services business before turning to the question of ‘What Truly Matters?
My workshops comprise evidence based, experiential knowledge and practical tools that achieve outstanding results.
I run exclusive residential programmes for executives to relax, restore and rejuvenate.
Partner at Deloitte
Martin, Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager
CEO Goldman Sachs, Singapore
Hong Kong: HK +852 8191 3619
London: +44 207 097 1524
907, 9F Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR